Monday, 12 January 2015

GROUP Stoyboard for D, TSITW

What is the purpose of storyboarding as an institutional practice?

-Storyboarding is used as a reference tool for film makers to utilise when shooting a sequence.
-It shows what will be seen on camera (the mise-en-scene of the camera shot) and allows directors and filmers to visualise their film.
-Arrows and illustrations can show the movement and angle of shots too.
-The time of each shot can also be listed, providing even more utility.

What challenges did we encounter in the process?
-The main challenge was deciding what to draw in sequence. This was mainly down to the fact that prior to storyboarding, we had a clear idea of our film but could not decide on a sequence exactly. After storyboarding, this was much easier.
-Timings. The length of each clip had to be precise as not only were we conscious of avoiding exceeding our time limit of just over two minutes, but also timings with the soundtrack was of high importance. This was because cutting and editing corresponds with the soundtrack.

What did you learn about your concept when carrying out this task?
-We learnt that our concept exhibits a number of areas of technical excellence required for success in the project.
-We discovered that unfortunately we could not include every single shot we had hoped we could. Despite this, we still believe that we have included the vast majority of shots we were aiming for.

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